After a couple of years making some amazing Essential Oil blended products, learning new combinations, and gathering up some of the best Oils we can get our paws on – it’s time to release our latest pet project into the wild.

Our pet fox. Foxy Face Revitalizing Face Oil, that is.

Our head Whiffologist, Trina, has been hard at work not only getting our products out to you, but also expanding the Whiffcraft Naturals family to include something really exciting.  We all age.  It’s pretty much a fact.  And as we get older (we start doing that, you know, from day 1) it gets more and more important to take care our best feature.  That one which is the first thing people see, that people look at when they talk to you, and that puts out all our emotions and love and feelings into the world.  That face thing.

With a powerhouse lineup of nutrient and anti-oxidant rich oils to help you keep looking your best, plus a blend of essential oils prized for their skin healing and toning abilities, this is one of our most asked-for products yet.  It’s lower on scents (which is counter to our name, we know), but what it lacks for in smells it makes up for in sheer keep-your-face-awesome goodness.  Can we trademark that?  We should trademark that.

There’s a bunch of other amazing news coming soon as well!  A sharing program, and a super-secret breathe of fresh air product (that we don’t make, but LOVE, and are so, so excited about), and news about more retailers.

Stay fresh,
Nathan @ Whiffcraft

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